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<-  Einträge 91 - 120 von 166  ->

Zoltan Szili 
Free Energy Electronic Circuit [¤]
  By publishing this very simple circuit, I would like to give the amateurs, the occasion to prove that the electric extraction of power of the vacuum exists indeed. The goal of my letter is to make known my work and to help to develop quantum generators for the use of people and industries. I decided to make public a first circuit, and the amateurs will be able to try out it.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 21.08.2018 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Ricardo Azevedo 
Brazilian inventor builds water-powered motorcycle [¤]
  (7 Feb 2016) BRAZIL WATER MOTORBIKE SOURCE: AP HORIZONS, LIFESTYLE, HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY RESTRICTIONS: HORIZONS CLIENTS AND AP LIFESTYLE, HEALTH AND TECHNOL... Ricardo Azevedo, a brilliant inventor of a water powered motorbike, based in Sao Paulo, Brazil has created a motorbike that runs COMPLETELY off of water. In the video below, he demonstrates by literally going to a local pond, filling up his water bottle, filtering the water, and pouring it directly into his fuel tank. Ricardo’s Bike which uses electrolysis to generate Hydrogen for fuel is still running and receiving news coverage.See also: http://alexanderhiggins.com/water-powered-automobiles-inventors-killed-intimidated-and-bought-off-to-keep-clean-energy-from-public/ 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 04.09.2018 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Arbeitsweise des Wilerk-Motor [¤]
  Im WiLERK-Motor werden die Bindungen des Wassermoleküls gleichzeitig durch unterschiedliche ?Wirkungen? zertrennt: 1. Thermolyse ? sprich thermische Wasserspaltung ab 1.400° 2. Plasma (Hochspannung) welche durch Reibung entsteht (Strahlrandreibung) 3. ein mechanisches Zertrümmern, wenn seitlich eine Ladung mit extremer Geschwindigkeit eingeschossen wird. Die etwa 1000° heiÃźen Wassermoleküle sind ohnehin schon sehr instabil, wenn sie nun seitlich brachial ?laminar? beschossen werden zertrümmert es die Molekülbindungen. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 20.01.2012 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Floyd Sweet 
Nothing is Something [¤]
  The Theory and Operation of a Phase-Conjugated Vacuum Triode. By Floyd A. ´Sparky´ Sweet - June 24th, 1988 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 12.11.2000 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Paramahamsa Tewari 
The Space Power Generator [¤]
  Paramahamsa Tewari has made a breakthrough in a method of electrical power generation. He has been granted an Indian Patent (Application number 397/Bom/94) for an increased efficiency homopolar generator. This device is described by the theoretical papers in this web site as a Space Power Generator (SPG). 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 10.01.2001 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Tom Bearden 
Motionless Electrical Generator - QuickSeek Encyclopedia [¤]
  The Motionless Electrical Generator (MEG) is an unusual transformer, which is most notable for claims of over-unity operation (as stated by the inventors, after a predetermined switching event the "generator" operates without an application of external power). 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 11.11.2006 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Osamu Ide 
A Hyper-Efficient Inverter Driven by positive EMF In Combination With Transient Phenomenon [¤]
  The authour developped a circuit comparable to Royer's circuit which is using pulse current of rectangular form as input. He realized a new type of inverter driven by positive EMF which gives outstanding efficiency. The value of the positive EMF to be induced in the coil depends on the rate of change of magnetic flux, where the second-order and even higher-order time derivatives of magnetic flux are involved. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 08.07.2012 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Dale Pond 
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - John W. Keely's Sacred Science. [¤]
  This is the place for John W. Keely's history, Sacred Science and discoveries. This site has many megabytes of original documents, articles by Dale Pond and others, whole books and pamphlets may be downloaded. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 27.09.2000 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Veljko Milkovic 
Mechanical systems producing overunity and antigravity [¤]
  Patentierte mechanische Systeme mit Doppelpendel zur Produktion von Energie und Antigravitation Weitere Links, siehe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veljko_Milkovi%C4%87 http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,1763.0.html http://www.rexresearch.com/milkovic/milkovic.htm  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 24.12.2006 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Mike Bauer 
Michael Bauer's Sweet VTA Page [¤]
  I am intrigued by the claims of Floyd Sweet and Tom Bearden about this device. I have found several 4"x6"x1" barium ferrite magnets with which I can experiment. I have constructed a equipment to condition the magnets according to information found on the web about this device. [...] 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 19.06.2001 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Adolf Schneider 
Rotoverter-youtube-Filme [¤]
  In dieser Ãśbersicht findet sich eine Sammlung von Links zu Filmen über Rotoverter aus aller Welt. Es handelt sich dabei um Generatoren, die mit einem Motor mechanisch gekoppelt sind und mehr Leistung abgeben, als der Motor benötigt. Das Geheimnis von Rotovertern liegt einerseits in der Ausnutzung gewisser mechanischer Unwuchtkomponenten, die dem Generator zusätzliche Drehmomente zuführen bzw. in speziellen Zusatzschaltungen im Generator, um die Gegen-EMK zu reduzieren. Welches Energiereservoir bei Rotovertern im Einzelnen angezapft wird, ist noch Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 17.04.2017 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Aluka y Nina 
Geet Pantone + HHO Dry Cell  [¤]
  Benzin oder Diesel sparen durch ein Geet System. Ist das möglich? Was ist wahr daran, was ist falsch? Bauanleitungen zum Selbstbau, sowie Tips und Tricks. "Project HHO-Geet", Eine HHO Dry Cell mit dem GEET system mischen, hier werden die Versuche und Ergebnisse dazu veröffendlicht. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 18.12.2012 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Mark L. LeClair et.al. 
Fusion [¤]
  In February, 2004 Mark L. LeClair, CEO & Founder of NanoSpire, Inc., discovered a crystalline form of water which has an equilateral triangular cylinder subunit that most commonly forms jet hexagon cross-sections. The crystal is a series of repeating O-H bonds along its axis and is bound by hydrogen bonds in the cross-sectional plane, a type of hybrid bonded crystal known as a van der Waals crystal. The crystal tail can split into a fractal fan on impact. The leading face closest to the bow shock and the sides of the crystal are positively charged and the tail is negative, allowing the crystal to form observed closed loops. The positive charge of the leading face and sides was revealed by impacting the crystal into litmus paper. The crystal, moving at supersonic and greater speeds, is surrounding by a bow shock like a fighter plane. The positively charged crystal is attracted to its own negatively charged bow shock by the Casimir Force and coherently extracts zero point energy on a large scale. The crystal then accelerates to what appears to be relativistic speeds in very short distances. This is implied by the heavy element transmutation observed bull-dozed in front of the bow shock, the only way these heavy elements are known to form in nature is either from stellar core collapse or supernova explosions, both occurring at relativistic speeds. The transmutation process observed in all the experiments closely matched the behaviour of stellar fusion nucleosynthesis and both type I & II supernova shock nucleosynthesis. This discovery will have a major effect on stellar evolution astronomy, allowing stellar nucleosynthesis, stellar core collapse nucleosynthesis and supernova nucleosynthesis to all be studied on a desktop, with varying compositions. The phenomenon of the water crystal propelled by the attraction to its bow shock has been named the LeClair Effect. Based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal, the LeClair Effect theory and the profound discoveries based on it pose a serious quantum theory challenge to the classical understanding of Newton’s Laws of Motion and the 1stand 2nd laws of thermodynamics. In March, 2007 Mark LeClair built and tested the first cavitation reactor powered by the LeClair Effect, based on our patented technology. More research was done from 2007 to 2009 with a variety of other reactor designs that led to a series of key experiments performed from July – August, 2009 under a grant, titled: Utilization of Crystallized Cavitation Reentrant Jets for Zero Point Energy Production. The goal was to produce a next stage hot water heater reactor based on the LeClair Effect and was awarded by a potential investor focused on promoting cold fusion. Mark LeClair and Serge Lebid discovered that the scaled-up LeClair Effect reactor was triggering intense fusion, fission and large scale elemental transmutation using ordinary water. The 1.25” ID by 12” long reactor produced 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of input, a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4 times more energy out than in.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 02.01.2014 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
Jon Fox (& Hilarion) 
Inert Gases [¤]
  By exposing compressed inert gases to magnetic and electric stimulation, biological effects have been observed. Some background and review of the subject is presented, and case histories described briefly. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 14.10.2000 Hits: 11404, Status: Indikator
David Richards 
Water powered cars [¤]
  Water-powered cars have existed for years. Oil, with its attendant evils – pollution, oil wars, oil spills – are unnecessary. Water-powered cars have been given scant media coverage. In some cases, the inventors were intimidated into ceasing their work, died under mysterious circumstances or even murdered leaving some to speculate they were assassinated. This collection summarizes the most important inventors of water motors around the world. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 04.09.2018 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Sterling D. Allen 
PowerPedia:Testatika - PESWiki [¤]
  Ãśbersicht zur Testatika mit Erklärungsbeispielen und zahlreichen Hinweisen auf ähnliche Systeme 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 15.07.2006 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Joseph Newman 
The Energy Machine [¤]
  For over thirty years, Inventor Joseph Newman has been innovating a revolutionary technology which will TOTALLY DE-CENTRALIZE our access to energy and provide an inexpensive, non-polluting form of electromagnetic energy which will replace ALL present forms of energy production. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Alternative Energie [¤]
  Eine Abteilung für Forschung, Entwicklung und Elektronik in der Methernitha befaÃźt sich seit deren Bestehen mit dem Problem der Alternativenergie, d.h. mit Techniken, welche geeignet sind, die Naturkräfte nutzbar zu machen und Energiequellen zu erschliessen ohne das ökologische Gleichgewicht der Natur in irgendeiner Weise negativ zu beeinträchtigen. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 14.01.2001 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Tom & Kristen Butler 
*ButlerLabs.Com Alternative Energy, Free Energy News [¤]
  ButlerLabs.Com Home of the Permanent Magnet Propulsion Toy, MAGNAPULSION! Must See 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 12.11.2006 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Team 1, 2, 3 
Celani Replication Presentation [¤]
  Replication Proposal - Outline of prozess to get widespread Celani experiment replications Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project www.quantumheat.org 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 06.10.2012 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Rainer Schmieg 
Patente [¤]
  Patente,Erfindungen,Neuentwicklungen,Forschung,Holzkonstruktion,Careport,Gartenlaube,Hangar,neue Produkte,Turbine,Geldbörse,Flyer,Reisepapiere,auÃźergewöhnliche Geschenke,Bag 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 04.04.2005 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Ph. M. Kanarev, S.B. Zatsarinin 
The Motor-Generator [¤]
  The test results of the first model of a motor-generator are a simple and convincing proof of erroneousness of the first Newton law and existing electrodynamics. The Video about motor-generator is to address: http://pesn.com/2010/10/13/9501712_Kanarev_announces_self-running_motor-generator/ The main conclusion appears from the experiments, which have been described by us: when the accumulator is used for the rotor excitation winding supply, one of EMF pulses in the stator winding can be used for accumulator charging, another pulse can be used for a technological process (water electrolysis, for example). As a result, a stand-alone energy source is formed with service life, which is equal to service life of the accumulator. When energy effectiveness of such energy source is determined, the notion ?efficiency? loses sense, because such energy unit can serve during 5 years requiring no other energy sources. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 12.02.2011 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Mark R. Tomion 
Archer Enterprises' official StarDrive Engineering home page [¤]
  presents a new technology for over-unity electric power generation and all-electric reactionless starship propulsion, and provides links to related sites and to the U.S. StarDrive patent. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 20.12.2007 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Creating A Sonic-Couple [¤]
  The object of this site is to give out all the information I have on low temperature thermocouples. These devices are like a regular thermocouple in that it is made of two metals but this type doesn't require energy from heat to make the electrons flow... 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 09.10.2000 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Curt Hallberg 
Vortex World [¤]
  We are a couple of friends that started to study Viktor Schaubergers ideas and work in the summer of 1994. We will also look on the use of Viktor Schaubergers vortice technology in energy production. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 10.10.2000 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Claus W. Turtur 
Theoretischer und praktischer Nachweis von Vakuumfeldenergie [¤]
  Mit einem experimentellen Aufbau wurde zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen, dass ein mechanischer Rotor direkt über Vakuumfeldenergie angetrieben wurde. Wenn sich die mechanische Leistung um viele Zehnerpotenzen erhöhen lässt, stünde eine Energie mit zwei Eigenschaften zur Verfügung: - unerschöpflich (der Energievorrat ist so groÃź wie das Universum selbst) - umweltfreundlich (die Wandlung der Nullpunktsoszillationen beeinflusst in keiner Weise unsere Umwelt)  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 24.11.2009 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Don Kelly  
Dis-Information in the New Energy Field: Specifically on the Swiss M-L Converter (Testatika)  [¤]
  Specifically, the release of the Swiss M-L Converter, or "Testatika" system, is certainly the most distorted version of this first class N/E system that we have yet seen. These twin E/S disc arrangements are MOTORIZED, via the Poggendorff principle, and generate an E/S field in the usual way.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 09.04.2002 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
William Alek 
  Electrical coil-based devices that use Free Energy or Over-Unity effects require a unique understanding when determining their "correct" operation. The purpose of this paper is to present the "hidden" mechanism that is at work in these devices which causes them to produce excess electrical energy. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 06.01.2006 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Veljiko Milkovic 
World of Pendulum Power [¤]
  Veljiko Milkovic's Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator - a Mechanical Amplifier of Clean Energy A simple mechanism with new mechanical effects, represents the source of clean mechanical energy. This gravity machine has only two main parts: a massive lever and a pendulum. The interaction of the two-stage lever multiplies input energy into output energy convenient for useful work (mechanical hammer, press, pump, transmission, electric generator...). 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 18.09.2011 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
Sterling D. Allan 
YMNEE_Fuel-Free_Generator_by_ABK_Capital_Ltd [¤]
  It is perhaps the most clear and convincing demonstration of an autonomous system consisting of a (smaller) motor and (bigger) generator. In this system the (normally occuring)reverse magnetic force was removed from the side of stator to the rotor in generator, thereby the rotor no longer undergoes resistance to the rotation. The COP is 100 or more! 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 25.04.2014 Hits: 11405, Status: Indikator
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