Goran, Mitic |
Temperature Relativity Of A Mass |
This paper presents the new developed feature of the mass that, with the change of temperature, it is changed not only in the quantity but also in the quality. The attractive mass will decrease with increasing the temperature, until it gets the quality of repulsion after going through the massless state. The change of mass from the attracting into the repulsive one represents the fundamental novelty in the mass interactions, and takes them into the natural harmony with all other known interactions in the nature. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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11.01.2002 |
Hits: 11710, Status:
Rudolf de Heus |
my Little Bang page |
Maybe the universe is expanding because the force of gravity is slowly diminishing.
And why should that be so? Because gravity is slowly being converted into matter!
Please see this page not as a theory, but as a big 'what if' question...
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
26.09.2000 |
Hits: 11711, Status:
Peter Kohl |
Gravitus- Homepage |
Ãœber die Herkunft der Kraft |
(46 Stimmen) |
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16.03.2005 |
Hits: 11711, Status:
Böhm, M.F. |
Expanding Newton’s Gravitation Law: Variable Cosmic Gravity Factors GVi |
The fundamental expansion of Newton’s gravitation law is to recognize that gravitational forces depend - in addition to the mass of matter - also upon the inertial velocity of that matter. It is derived that gravitational forces are of electrodynamic nature and have their origin in nuclear electric displacement charges due to inertial matter motion. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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11.01.2002 |
Hits: 11711, Status:
Susanne Vrobel |
Fractal Time |
This work deals with an age-old problem of mankind in a highly modern original way. The
geniuses of Aristotle and Mandelbrot are brought together for the first time. Few living
scientists are in a position to undertake or venture upon such an attempt.
Ms Vrobel succeeds in combining her own intuitive approach to the problem of time - an
approach which has been shaped by the great history of philosophy - with the wholly new
technical concept of self-similarity and self-affinity. Self-similar time series exist, for
example, in dendrochronology, but also in music, in each case, across a certain scaling
interval. The idea is to, again, turn this fact around, in order to apply it to the structure of the
experienced time itself.
This new epoché by Ms V |
(46 Stimmen) |
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07.01.2012 |
Hits: 11712, Status:
Tom Van Flandern |
The Speed of Gravity - What the Experiments Say |
Standard experimental techniques exist to determine the propagation speed of forces. When we apply these techniques to gravity, they all yield propagation speeds too great to measure, substantially faster than lightspeed.
Recognition of a faster-than-lightspeed propagation of gravity, as indicated by all existing experimental evidence, may be the key to taking conventional physics to the next plateau. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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16.01.2011 |
Hits: 11712, Status:
Steve Kaufman |
The Dynamical Structure of Space |
(46 Stimmen) |
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01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11712, Status:
Wilfrid Boisvert |
The Discontinuity of Motion |
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01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11712, Status:
John K. Harms |
Cosmic Long-Wavelength Photons And A Fundamental Understanding Of Gravitation |
The text proposes that the machinery for gravitation is positive radiation pressure, which is an allowable mechanism as described by the general theory of relativity. Although it is a relatively weak effect, pressure generates a gravitational field. It is predicted that mass, although it is also a mechanism for space-time curvature in general relativity, is not the actual cause of gravity in the Universe. |
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30.07.2002 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
T. Padmanabhan |
Emergent Perspective of Gravity and Dark Energy |
There is sufficient amount of internal evidence in the nature of gravitational theories to indicate that gravity is an emergent phenomenon like, e.g, elasticity….
In such an approach, the dynamics evolves towards a state of holographic equipartition, characterized by the equality of number of bulk and surface degrees of freedom in a region bounded by the Hubble radius. This principle correctly reproduces the standard evolution of a Friedmann universe. Further, (a) it demands the existence of an early inflationary phase as well as late time acceleration for its successful implementation and (b) allows us to link the value of late time cosmological constant to the e-folding factor during inflation. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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08.11.2014 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
Fran De Aquino |
Gravitation and Electromagnetism |
Correlation and Grand Unification. It is demonstrated that gravitational and inertial masses are correlated by an electromagnetic factor. This is very important because it means the possibility of electromagnetic control of the gravity. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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25.09.2000 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
Fran De Aquino |
The Gravitational Spacecraft |
There is a correlation between gravitational mass and inertial
mass, which allows the gravity control and reveals a new concept
of spacecraft and aerospace flight. |
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26.09.2000 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
Peter Ripota |
Zeitreisen |
In der Science-Fiction-Literatur haben Zeitreisen einen besonderen Platz: Sie sind keine reinen Abenteuergeschichten, keine fantastischen Harry-Potter-Verschnitte, sondern logisch wohldurchdachte, intelligente Erzählungen aus alternativen Welten, die uns alle angehen und berühren. Zeitreisen konfrontieren uns mit einem Grundproblem der menschlichen Existenz: Gibt es einen Freien Willen? Kann ich mein Schicksal ändern, selbst wenn ich weiß, wie es verlaufen wird? (Eine Frage, die schon die Eltern von Ödipus bewegte.) Was geschieht, wenn mein Leben (oder das der Menschheit) ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt anders verläuft - wird dann alles besser oder noch viel schlimmer?
In diesem Buch hat der Autor alles, was er über Zeitreisen weiß, zusammen getragen, mit vielen (sehr persönlich ausgewählten) Beispielen aus der SF-Literatur.
Bei den Recherchen zu diesem Buch entdeckte der Autor außerdem eine physikalisch begründete Lösung des Zeitparadoxons.
Eine sehr gute Übersicht über physikalische und literarische Ideen zum Thema "Zeitreisen", findet sich auch in dem Buch von Nahin, das dem Autor bei seiner Arbeit eine große Hilfe gewesen ist.
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22.10.2010 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
Salvator Micheal |
Gravity as the Expansion of Space-Time |
(46 Stimmen) |
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01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
Rich Marker |
Discrete Donuts |
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01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11713, Status:
N.N. |
Flyby anomaly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The flyby anomaly is an unexpected energy increase during Earth flybys of satellites. This has been observed as an anomalous shift in the S-Band and X-Band Doppler data which translates to a significant velocity increase of a few mm/s at perigee. So far, no conventional mechanism has been found that can explain this effect. |
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13.04.2008 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Sepp Hasselberger |
Spin and rotation: gravity, magnetism and star formation - Sepp Hasslberger |
Gravitation, as observed and modeled by mainstream physics, seems to be insufficient to explain the continued existence of galaxies as unitary systems. There just doesn't deem to be enough mass in all those numerous stars to be able to hold them galaxies together by gravitational pull alone. Mainstream scientists resort to such nebulous concepts as "dark matter" to explain there might be a great deal of mass we just can't detect. I do not think that is a good way to approach the problem.
I am postulating that gravitation is in essence a consequence of rotation or 'spin'. The spin of particles causes gravity, and the effect is additive, meaning the more particles are in a mass, the stronger the common gravitational field. The rotation of macroscopic accumulations of matter - planets, stars, black holes and galaxies also causes gravity. Both twist (distort) 3-d space and so induce a vortex-shaped region of stress that spreads far and almost instantly, due to the rigidity of the space matrix. Two or more of those stressed regions of space have attraction for each other. The space matrix strives to unstress. It can't unstress by itself, as the rotating mass keeps distortion constant. But it could find some stress relief close to another mass, that has the same kind of stressed field. So gravitationally stressed areas of space have a definite affinity for each other, they attract, in an effort to unstress. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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08.08.2015 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Andreas Fornefett |
Allgemeine Grundlagenforschung |
Kritik der Kontinuumshypothese und der Allgemeinen Gravitation |
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17.10.2003 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
A.A. Nassikas |
Space Time Electrostatic Propulsion |
The purpose of this paper is to present in general an asymmetric capacitor
system with electrically neutral external metallic cover. This system according to the
electrostatic field equations is possible to create a thrust when a constant high voltage
is imposed. According to calculations, a very high thrust is
developed when certain geometry and materials used. This thrust, when the system
works without having corona effects, leads to over-unity energy production. This can
be explained within a physics theory, which is based on the claim for minimum
contradictions. According to this point of view a gravitational matter field is created,
because of the existing electrical field, which can provide the energy and momentum
required for thrust creation and energy production. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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25.10.2010 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Erik Haeffner |
The Origin of Galaxies |
Mass Particles, Time, Gravitation and Black Holes in Perspective
of the CER Wave Packet Concept of Mass and Charge. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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27.04.2001 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Peter Kohl |
Gravitus- Homepage |
Ãœber die Herkunft der Kraft |
(46 Stimmen) |
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16.03.2005 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Garret Lisi |
Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything? - fundamentals - 15 November 2007 - New Scientist |
An elegant, eight-dimensional pattern may at last reveal the link between gravity and the other fundamental forces in the universe |
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18.11.2007 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
David W. Allan |
Gravity Theory -- Introducing Energy-Density Component |
One of the biggest questions that has puzzled mankind throughout the ages is how gravity works. This new gravitational theory not only explains how gravity works, but shows how errors can arise in determining the positions of space probes, in determining the mass of the earth and other planets and in determining the value of G, the universal gravitational constant. This new theory of gravity is part of a more general Unified Field Theory (UFT) that shows how all of the known force fields work together. Once understood, this new UFT explains several heretofore unexplained phenomena in nature. In this brief write up, we will only deal with the gravitational part of the UFT. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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01.04.2018 |
Hits: 11714, Status:
Ãœbersicht Gravitationstheorien |
Es werden 8 verschiedene Gravitationstheorien dargestellt und miteinander verglichen. Zusammenfassend wird angegeben, ob es experimentelle Verifikationen gibt, wie die Prognosen sind und wie die Gesamtbewertung einzustufen ist. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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09.02.2015 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
J.V. Kadeisvili |
Following the great support I have received from my preceding message Obscurantism at CERN on God's Particle? (additional comments are welcome for authorized uploading at http://www.santilli-foundation.org/cern-obscurantism.php), allow me to bring to the attention of ethical sound scholars, administrator and governmental officers the intolerable condition in the use of public funds on Einstein gravitation. As clearly expressed by the Italian-American scientist R. M. Santilli in lecture [1], as well as by numerous other qualified physicists, special relativity is a "majestic" theory," but Einstein gravitation is afflicted by truly fundamental inconsistencies published in refereed journals which have been accumulating during the past century, but which have remained completely ignored by organized academic, financial and ethnic interests on Einstein (see Santilli's 1984 Il Grade Grido http://www.scientificethics.org/IlGrandeGrido.htm). Under the illusion of academic credibility and authority based on their capillary organization, said interests have opposed said inconsistencies via documented acts of sheer scientific banditisms [1], rather than dismissing the inconsistencies via papers equally published in refereed journals. |
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15.01.2012 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
Charles F. Brush |
Kinetic Theory of Gravitation |
Discussion Of A Kinetic Theory Of Gravitation And Some New Experiments In Gravitation. (April 1928). Research and Scanning by Fred Epps. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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05.11.2000 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
Kiesslinger, Rudolf |
Gravitation in the Making |
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01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
Dr. Matti Pitkänen |
Topological GeometroDynamics by Matti Pitkanen |
Matti Pitkanen, Topological GeometroDynamics, TGD, quantum mechanics,
quantum consciousness, parallel dimensions, physics, post quantum mechanics,
psychic phenomenon, symmetry, asymmetry, nonlocal communication, eternity, infinity |
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30.07.2006 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
Dan Winter |
Fractality Unifies the Field: Real Holy Grail | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History |
Redefining the FIELDS of Healing, Peacemaking, Genetic Self Organization, Bliss, Energy Science. |
(46 Stimmen) |
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27.09.2010 |
Hits: 11715, Status:
A. V. Rykov |
The Physical ´´Vacuum´´ and the Unity of Nature |
On the structure of vacuum, the unity of interactions, antigravity in the universe and more |
(46 Stimmen) |
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17.02.2001 |
Hits: 11715, Status: