Autor | Titel | |
A. F. Kracklauer | Non-loco Physics | 11582 |
A. F. Kracklauer | Non-loco Physics | 11577 |
Adolf Schneider | Casimir-Force-Links | 11593 |
Adolf Schneider | Casimir-Force-Links | 11473 |
Arcus | Simple World | 11578 |
Arkani-Hamed, N./Trnka, T. | Physicists Discover Geometry Underlying Particle Physics | Simons Foundation | 11599 |
Arnold Gulko | The Strong Force and the Atomic Nucleus | 11579 |
Barabou Vedu | Höhere Physik ? Ergebnisse aus der Erforschung von Alientechnologien | 11589 |
Bruchholz, Ulrich E. | Derivation of Planck?s Constant from Maxwell?s Electrodynamics | 11576 |
C.W. Rietdijk | Realistically four-dimensional theory on physics | 11576 |
Caroline Thompson | Against the Quantisation of Light | 11576 |
Charles Bennet | Quantum Teleportation | 11576 |
Dan Solomon | Negative energy density for a Dirac-Maxwell field | 11593 |
Daniel Kronick | Das Quantengedächtnis - Warum der Mensch unsterblich ist | 11565 |
Dave Bell | An Alternative to Modern Physics | 11576 |
Dave Ferguson | Ladybird Expert series on Quantum Mechanics | 11589 |
David Bohm | Bohmian Quantum Mechanics | 11585 |
David Deutsch | The Fabric of Reality | 11577 |
Dipl.-Ing. Udo A.J. Hartje | Buch 3-9806131-6-X | 11569 |
Dipl.-Ing. Udo A.J. Hartje | Final-Theorie Spiralfeld-Modell | 11561 |
Dipl.-Math. Wolfgang Kleff | Physik jenseits des Standardmodells | 11585 |
Dr. Fabrizio Pinto | InterStellar Technologies Corporation | 11588 |
Ekkehard Friebe | Gibt es einen experimentellen Beweis für die MAX PLANCK zugeschriebene Formel E = h ? ny ? | 11582 |
Gerhard Zwiauer | Ather und Schrödingers Wellenfunktion ψ | 11425 |
Gert Schulte | Kernmechanik | 11590 |
Gregor Former | Quantal Set Theory | 11580 |
hans wm Körber | Über den Sinngehalt des Planckschen Wirkungsquantums | 11582 |
Hans WM KÖRBER | Anmerkungen zur Quantenphysik | 11580 |
hans wm KÖRBER | Der dem Elektron beim Quantensprung immanente Absturzstatus | 11580 |
hans wm Körber | Van-der-Waals-Kraft, Adhäsion, Kohäsion, Casimir-Effekt | 11576 |
hans wm Körber | Mystisch anmutende Quantenmechanik mittels Kieler Feldtheorie begründet | 11560 |
Harald Atmanspacher | 100 Jahre Quantentheorie | 11580 |
Heinz Heinzmann | | 11575 |
Heinz-Joachim Ackermann | Die neue Theorie des Lepton-Shift | 11590 |
Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt | Einstein und die Quantentheorie | 11573 |
Holger Lyre | ur-theory and multiple quantization | 11581 |
horizonfilm | What the Bleep do we know!? - Inhalt | 11560 |
Jan Gerken | Kleinste Elemente von Raum und Zeit in der Quantenphyysik | 11597 |
John Crammer | The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 11597 |
John Deutsch | Relationships Among Phenomena at a Unitary Level | 11569 |
John Murphy | Quantum Theory and Wave/Particle Duality | 11574 |
Kunz | Home - Atommodell | 11597 |
Lambert Dolphin | Constancy of the Velocity of Light | 11571 |
Lasha Darkmoon | Quantum Physics is bunk | 11587 |
Mario Wingert | Die Zellteilungs-und Verzweigungsinterpretation der Quantenphysik | 11569 |
Max Tegmark | Many Worlds or Many Words? | 11576 |
Michael Drieschner | Eine Lanze für Kopenhagen | 11573 |
Micheal Clive Price | Many-Worlds FAQ | 11580 |
Olival Freire Junior | The Quantum Dissidents - Rebuilding the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (1950-1990) | Olival Freire Junior | Springer | 11597 |
Paul Budnik | Developing a More Complete Theory | 11564 |
Paul Marmet | Quantum Mechanics and its Paradox | 11580 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Stanek | Mindmap Quantenfeldtheorie Gleichung + Maxwell Gleichungen | 11580 |
Prof.Dr. Walther Umstätter | Die fundamentale Bedeutung der Informations- und Wissensmessung und ihre Beziehung zum System der Planckeinheiten | 11575 |
Rob Lap | The Physical World | 11587 |
Robert G Brunner | Gravitation | 11588 |
Robert S. Fritzius | Emission-Absorption-Scattering (EAS) Sub-quantum Electrodynamics | 11578 |
Ruggero Maria Santilli | A Tribute To Albert Einstein: R. M. Santilli's 1998 Confirmation of A. Einstein's 1935 Prediction that Quantum Mechanics is not a "Complete" Theory | 11594 |
Sapogin, L.G. / Ryabov, Yu.A. | Approximation Equations with Oscillating Charge in Unitary Quantum Theory and
its Applications to the Analysis of Some Quantum Problems.
| 11589 |
Solomon, D. | Some New Results Concerning the QFT Vacuum in the Heisenberg Picture | 11591 |
Tiziano Cantalupi | Global View | 11588 |
Tom | Particle Wave Duality | 11574 |
Tom Potter | Physics as Information | 11584 |
Werner Meindl | The Trivial Set Theory | 11629 |
Wolfgang Neuhaus | Die Beschränkung der Mikrowelt | 11568 |
Znidarsic, F. / Robertson, G.A. | The Flow of Energy | 11708 |