Autor | Titel | |
A. J. Meyer | SSM Australia Page: | 11571 |
A. V. Rykov | The Physical ´´Vacuum´´ and the Unity of Nature | 11587 |
A.A. Nassikas | Space Time Electrostatic Propulsion | 11568 |
A.P. Levich | Institute for Time Nature Explorations | 11565 |
Adolf Schneider | Antigravity | 11587 |
Alfredo Barrera | Relativity and Gravitrons | 11573 |
Alvaro Leite Pereira de Souza | Philosophy of Science | 11574 |
Andreas Fornefett | Gravitation und Ätherforschung | 11581 |
Andreas Fornefett | Allgemeine Grundlagenforschung | 11565 |
Böhm, M.F. | Expanding Newton’s Gravitation Law: Variable Cosmic Gravity Factors GVi | 11592 |
Charles F. Brush | Kinetic Theory of Gravitation | 11572 |
Clifford Will | WUGRAV -- Washington University Gravity Group | 11573 |
Dan Winter | Fractality Unifies the Field: Real Holy Grail | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History | 11571 |
David Schroeder | The Field Interchange Hypothesis | 11564 |
David W. Allan | Gravity Theory -- Introducing Energy-Density Component | 11590 |
David W. Allan | Gravity Theory -- Introducing Energy-Density Component | 11589 |
David W. Allan | Allan's TIME (Time Interval Metrology Enterprise) | 11573 |
Dimitri | Enter Hyperspace | 11589 |
Domenico Di Mario | The Physics Deep | 11580 |
Dr. John N. Hait | Founder and Professor of Resonant Fields for the Rocky Mountain Research Center | 11573 |
Dr. Matti Pitkänen | Topological GeometroDynamics by Matti Pitkanen | 11575 |
Dr. Matti Pitkänen | Homepage of Matti Pitkänen | 11569 |
Dr. Michael E. Nitsche | Kosmische Fluktuationen | 11571 |
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cäsar | Electromagnetic Theory of Gravity | 11583 |
Eduardo Valencia | Quantum Light Cones | 11564 |
Ekkehard Friebe | Das 1. Axiom NEWTONs - Ursache der weltweiten Krise der Physik | 11585 |
Ekkehard Friebe | Gravitation in neuer Sicht | 11582 |
Erik Haeffner | The Origin of Galaxies | 11573 |
Fran De Aquino | Gravitation and Electromagnetism | 11583 |
Fran De Aquino | The Gravitational Spacecraft | 11569 |
Garret Lisi | Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything? - fundamentals - 15 November 2007 - New Scientist | 11642 |
Goran, Mitic | Temperature Relativity Of A Mass | 11570 |
hans wm Körber | Eine analytisch begründete Ursache der Gravitation - Folienvortrag | 11595 |
hans wm KÖRBER | Eine analytisch begründete Ursache der Gravitation ... | 11576 |
hans wm KÖRBER | Gedanken über Raum, Zeit, Geschwindigkeit und Länge | 11573 |
hans wm Körber | Gibt es Antigravitation und falls ja, was ist das? | 11571 |
Harald Maurer | Gravitationsimpuls | 11578 |
Harald Maurer | Ãœbersicht Gravitationstheorien | 11566 |
Ilja Schmelzer | Post Relativistic Gravity | 11576 |
J.W. van Holten | Dynamical Space-Time and Gravitational Waves | 11578 |
Jeff Smith | Suppressed Antigravity Secrets Revealed | 11603 |
John Baez | This Week´s Finds in Mathematical Physics | 11574 |
John K. Harms | Cosmic Long-Wavelength Photons And A Fundamental Understanding Of Gravitation | 11569 |
John Schwarz | Superstring Theories | 11570 |
Juan Arkani | Fime Net - The Universe in 5D... | 11573 |
Kapil Chandra | Quantum mechanical force and derivation of gravitational constant through quantum theory | 11570 |
Karl-Heinz Fried | Raumzeit | 11564 |
Keith M. Hardy | The Theory of Distance-Time | 11565 |
Kiesslinger, Rudolf | Gravitation in the Making | 11572 |
Larry Burks | Wormholes As A Reality | 11594 |
Li Zifeng | Explain the Law of Gravitation Using Exchange of Momentum between Objects and Micro-particles | 11547 |
Ljudmil Daskalow | Die Gravitation | 11577 |
Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri, Amrit Sorli | Gravity originates from variable energy density of quantum vacuum | 11591 |
M.A. | Hypothetische Interpretation der Krümmung der Raumzeit als lokale Unterschiede in der Raumausdehnungsgeschwindigkeit, führend zum Ansatz zu einer einheitlichen Feldtheorie | 11570 |
MAHAG | Ãœbersicht Gravitationstheorien | 11586 |
Manuel Uhl | Was ist Zeit? | 11584 |
Matti Pitkanen | Topological Geometrodynamics | 11582 |
Michael A.Gelman | Gravity Explained | 11574 |
Myron W. Evans | Grand Unified Theory with practical consequences | 11568 |
N.N. | Flyby anomaly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 11565 |
Nick Turnock | A quantum theory of gravity compatible with general relativity | 11577 |
Patrick Linker | Algebraic Graviton Quantizing | 11579 |
Paul A. LaViolette | The Pioneer Effect Discovery and the Amazing Theory that Predicted it | 11570 |
Paul Budnik | Is Space-Time a Lattice? | 11592 |
Paul LaViolette | Subquantum Kinetics | 11571 |
Peter Kohl | Zur Gravitation - eine Lösungsmöglichkeit über die elektrische Kraft | 11579 |
Peter Kohl | Gravitus- Homepage | 11572 |
Peter Kohl | Gravitus- Homepage | 11569 |
Peter Ripota | Zeitreisen | 11569 |
Petra Schulz | Gravitation noch immer ein Geheimnis | 11578 |
Philip Lawson | Spacetime Geometry | 11574 |
Ralph Sansbury | Gravity, Magnetism & Light | 11580 |
Reinhard Köcher | Informations-Energetik | 11467 |
Rich Marker | Discrete Donuts | 11583 |
Robert G. Brunner | Gravitation | 11571 |
Robert Nelson | Nikolai Kozyrev: Time (articles from New Energy Technologies magazine, Russia) | 11569 |
Rudolf de Heus | my Little Bang page | 11572 |
Salvator Micheal | Gravity as the Expansion of Space-Time | 11573 |
Sepp Hasselberger | Spin and rotation: gravity, magnetism and star formation - Sepp Hasslberger | 11579 |
Sherrill Roberts | Quantum Strangeness and Space-Time | 11577 |
Stefan von Weber | Gravitation ? die Kraft aus der vierten Dimension | 11575 |
Steve Kaufman | The Dynamical Structure of Space | 11570 |
Susanne Vrobel | Fractal Time | 11567 |
T. Padmanabhan | Emergent Perspective of Gravity and Dark Energy | 11580 |
Thilo Hinterberger | Experiment zur Erzeugung von Gravitationsanomalien durch Beeinflussung des Quantenvakuums | 11584 |
Tom Van Flandern | The Speed of Gravity - What the Experiments Say | 11569 |
Vladimir Trifonov | A Linear Solution of the Four-Dimensionality Problem | 11569 |
Vohu Hemsida | The TOE Home Page | 11586 |
VoX HD | Dropbox - VOX_HD_01.11.2018__173MB.mp4 | 11457 |
W.J. Hooper | New Horizons In Electric, Magnetic & Gravitational Field Theory | 11578 |
Walter Killer | Gravitation: Ein Absorptionsphänomen | 11570 |
Wilfrid Boisvert | The Discontinuity of Motion | 11585 |
William Alek | Gravitational Mass Fluctuations Paper Release 3.0 | 11572 |
Wolfgang Cassing | Dunkle Materie - überall im Weltall | 11574 |
Yuri Rylov | T-geometry and its application to space-time model | 11570 |
Zifeng Li | The Law of Universal Attraction with Momentum Exchange between Objects and Microparticles | 11574 |
Zifeng Li | Materialistic Views of Space-Time and Mass-Energy | 11572 |