Zoltan Losonc |
Free Energy Principles - the forbidden science |
Free Energy From Wave Fields
The free energy research is pursued mostly by enthusiastic people, who do not have full trust in the validity of the official scientific knowledge.
There is a civil engineer in Hungary János Vajda who dedicated his whole life to the science, specifically to the microwave technology. As the result of many years of research he succeeded to scientifically prove (with the classical scientific methods and formulas â i.e. without any new âmysticalâ theory) that the law of energy conservation is not valid in general sense for the wave fields, but it can be satisfied only in special cases. Therefore it can not be considered as a valid postulate. His first study of 1998 the study has been translated into English titled âVIOLATION OF THE LAW OF ENERGY CONSERVATION IN WAVE FIELDSâ and published for the first time on the website âFree Energy Principlesâ as a free eBook, for the benefit of all free energy researchers, see: https://feprinciples.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/energy_from_wave_fields_1-21.pdf |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
15.06.2003 |
Hits: 11820, Status:
mailto:marc@rohling-online.de |
Fluidmotor Startup |
Fluidmotor.com beschreibt eine Maschine, die aus latenter Umgebungswärme Energie erzeugt, ein Perpetuum mobile zweiter Art als Nachbildung des meteorologischen Wirbels. AuÃerdem werden substantielle Begriffe wie Gravitation, Entropie und Geschwindigkeit neu interpretiert. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
17.03.2005 |
Hits: 11820, Status:
Clint Seward, Chiping Shen, Ken Ware |
Spinning plasma toroids are created using high power
electric arcs similar to lightning bolts. The spinning
toroids are observed to be stable in atmosphere with no
confining magnetic fields. Spinning toroids have the
appearance of spheres, or balls, and create bright light
through collisions with neutrals in the atmosphere. The
spinning toroids are observed to last for more than 200
milliseconds in partial atmosphere. This paper describes
the initiation apparatus and parameters. An explanation
for the plasma toroid is presented that it is a hollow toroid
of electrons where all the electrons travel in parallel paths
orthogonal to the toroid circumference and reside in a thin
outer shell of the toroid. The electron motion creates a
current in the surface that in turn creates an internal
magnetic field. Equations are presented detailing the
initiation of the plasma toroid, and detailing the plasma
toroid itself. The stability analysis for the plasma toroid
has been completed that explains how the plasma toroid
remains stable in atmosphere. The spinning plasma toroid
has the appearance of Ball Lightning, in observations,
computer simulations, and equations. The plasma toroid
explains how a plasma ring can be stable in atmosphere
with no external magnetic fields, and how it can contain
many electrons with high energy. Ball lightning is often
reported as a ring current, in toroid shape, and since a
spinning ring appears as a sphere or ball, the spinning
plasma toroid provides an explanation for Ball Lightning.
The technology of the plasma toroid has the potential for
new applications in propulsion and energy generation and
storage. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
13.02.2011 |
Hits: 11820, Status:
Claus W. Turtur |
Hörbuch: Lichtbildervorträge/Videos zur Raumenergie |
Hier sind drei Teile eines YouTube-Videos, in denen ich etwas über Raumenergie erzähle:
Teil 1. Allgemeine Grundlagen -> Ãber bestehende Erkenntnisse (ca. 20 Minuten)
Teil 2. Ein wissenschaftlicher Grundlagenbeweis für die Nutzbarkeit der Raumenergie auf Universitätsniveau (ca. 30 Minuten)
Teil 3. Konstruktion eines leistungsfähigen Raumenergie-Motors zur allgemeinen Energie-Versorgung (ca. 60 Minuten)
Für alle, die den Text gerne nachlesen und die Bilder mit hoher Auflösung sehen wollen, gibt es auch das PDF zum Film. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
05.07.2011 |
Hits: 11820, Status:
Anastasovski et.al. |
Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorenz condition: Extracting Energy from the Vacuum |
It is shown that if the Lorenz condition is discarded, the Maxwell-Heaviside field equations become the Lehnert equations, indicating the presence of charge density and current density in the vacuum. The Lehnert equations are a subset of the 0(3) Yang-Mills field equations. Charge and current density in the vacuum are defined straightforwardly in terms of the vector potential and scalar potential, and are conceptually similar to Maxwell's displacement current, which also occurs in the classical vacuum. The demonstration is made of the existence of a time dependent classical vacuum polarization which appears if the Lorenz condition is discarded, Vacuum charge and current appear phenomenologically in the Lehnert equations but fundamentally in the 0(3) Yang-Mills theory of classical electrodynamics. The latter also allow for the possibility of the existence of vacuum topological magnetic charge density and topological magnetic current density. Both 0(3) and Lehnert equations are superior to the Maxwell-Heaviside equations in being able to describe phenomena not amenable to the latter. In theory, devices can be made to extract the energy associated with vacuum charge and current. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
14.01.2010 |
Hits: 11821, Status:
Kenneth Carrigan |
Principles, Proof and Equations for Overunity |
One aspect of overunity generators is that to my knowledge no one has ever proved, in terms of scientific mathematical equations, that overunity can actually be produced. Some time ago, I did some calculations... |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
01.05.2000 |
Hits: 11821, Status:
Eckman Chris |
Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water |
Brown's Gas boasts a plethora of unusual characteristics that defy current chemistry. It has a cool flame of about 130°C (266°F), yet melts steel, brick and many other materials. Confusingly, research both confirms and
rebuffs many claims about it, leading to a smorgasbord of theories today seeking to explain its unusual properties. One possible theory, currently gaining support even from establishment science, depicts "plasma orbital
expansion of the electron in a water molecule". In this process, unlike electrolysis, the water molecule "bends"
into a linear, dipole-free geometry. This linear water molecule expands to gain electrons in the d sub-shell, and
these extra electrons produce different effects on different target materials. Electrons that scatter at point of contact produce heat based upon electrical conductivity, density and thermal capacity of the material. It also shows
why Rydberg clusters are a part of browns gas and how the linear water molecule needs these clusters to survive. This paper will explain this new theory and why it is gaining popularity among scientist in academia. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
28.12.2010 |
Hits: 11821, Status:
Julio C. Gobbi |
EM-GI Propulsion System |
ABSTRACT: This article intends to show that there are several electromagnetic and
gravitoinertial methods to produce propulsion, which are: electric levitation, magnetic
repulsion with mass rotation and ionic vortexes, gravitational neutralization with mass
rotation and others related with these. We will work on the understanding and
development of mathematical equations to quantify these systems. In the end, we will
have a first approach to a new set of mathematical concepts to experiment with suitable
technology for self-propelled fuel-free machines. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
01.05.2020 |
Hits: 11821, Status:
Ulrich f. Sackstedt (Ãbersetzer) |
Plasmatische Bahnexpansion von Elektronen im Wasser |
Das Phänomen Brown's Gas hat zu einem Sammelsurium verschiedener Theorien geführt, die alle nach einer Erklärung für seine ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften suchen. Eine mögliche Theorie von Chris Eckman, die zur Zeit sogar von Vertretern der etablierten Wissenschaften unterstützt wird, beschreibt die plasmatische Bahnexpansion im Wassermolekül. In diesem Prozeà ?biegt? sich ? anders als bei der Elektrolyse - das Wassermolekül zur einer linearen, dipol-freien geometrischen Form. Dieses linear gestaltete Wassermolekül dehnt sich aus, um zusätzliche Elektronen in die d-Sub-Schale zu ziehen. Diese Extra-Elektronen rufen bei unterschiedlichen Zielmaterialien unterschiedliche Effekte hervor. Elektronen, die sich auf dem Kontaktpunkt ausbreiten, produzieren durch die Höhe der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit, der Dichte und der thermischen Kapazität des jeweiligen Materials Hitze. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
17.02.2011 |
Hits: 11821, Status:
evert |
Evert-Fluid Evert-Äther Evert-Rotor |
Energie und Ãther |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
27.01.2006 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
Walters, M. et.al. |
Introducing the Practice of Asymmetrical Regauging to Increase the Coefficient of Performance of Electromechanical System |
This paper introduces asymmetrical regauging theory as the origin of the increase in the coefficient of performance of a specially designed electric motor. The coefficient of performance terminology, a review of gauge theory, and an examination of discarding the Lorentz condition to achieve asymmetrical regauging are presented. Finally, building a ?Wankel? motor to verify this theory is proposed. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
14.01.2010 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
T.E. Bearden |
REGAUGING: Master Overunity Mechanism |
This is a flash release of information on the operational principles of three overunity electromagnetic engines that are in the successful prototype stage or advanced engineering development. From Explore! Magazine. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
30.10.2000 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
Julio C. Gobbi |
Power from Electrostatic Charges |
ABSTRACT: This article aims to investigate the possibility of using atmospheric and
earth electrostatic charges, and sea water ions in electric energy generation systems. To
do this, it is developed a set of equations based on the Lorentzâs force to collect electric
charges and ions to work as an electric current power source. These charges have more
mobility then the valence electrons of electric conducting materials, then they will
perform work when they are added to any electrical circuit. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
01.05.2020 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
Patrick Cornille |
A Review on Electromagnetic Propulsion by Stimulated Forces |
There are in the literature many reports concerning experiments showing that conductors submitted to high voltage or with high currents passing through them are moving without the help of an external observer. By using Newtonian
mechanics and the application of Newtonâs third law, we are able to explain this motion or propulsion effect either as resulting from a spontaneous force if we use the Amp`ere force law or as a stimulated force if we use the Lorentz force law. In this paper, we will examine both the theoretical and experimental aspects concerning this effect. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
05.07.2020 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
Claus W. Turtur |
Neue saubere Energieform entdeckt |
Alle Energieprobleme können bald gelöst sein, wenn wir eine bisher wenig beachtete Energieform nutzen, die sog. ?Vakuumfeldenergie?, auch ?Nullpunktsenergie? genannt. Sie ist absolut sauber, umweltfreundlich, ohne gesundheitliche Risiken, dazu unerschöpflich, kostenlos, überall verfügbar und nachhaltig. Einziger Nachteil: Sie ist kaum bekannt und daher nicht nachgefragt. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
21.05.2011 |
Hits: 11822, Status:
Myron W. Evens/H. Eckhardt/C. Hubbard/J. Shelburne |
Spin Connection Resonance in the Bedini Machine |
Spin connection resonance (SCR) is used to explain theoretically why devices
in electrical engineering can use the properties of space-time to induce voltage.
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory has shown why classical electrodynamics
is a theory of general relativity in which covariant derivatives are used with the
spin connection playing a central role. These concepts are applied to a device
known as the Bedini machine. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
17.03.2008 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Aginourmidst et.al. |
Parametrischer Oszillator |
Ein parametrischer Oszillator ist ein harmonischer Oszillator mit zeitabhängigen Parametern (Eigenfrequenz und Dämpfung). Einem Oszillator kann auf diese Weise Energie zugeführt werden, um die Amplitude der Schwingung zu vergröÃern.
Im Resonanzfall, bei dem sich die Parameter mit doppelter Eigenfrequenz des Oszillators verändern, schwingt der Oszillator phasenstarr mit der parametrischen Veränderung und absorbiert dabei Energie proportional zu der Energie, die er bereits besitzt. Ohne einen Mechanismus, der dieses Anwachsen kompensiert, wächst die Amplitude der Oszillation somit exponentiell an. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
21.05.2014 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
najado |
The GENESIS Project |
By sending an electric current into the non-inductive coil around which electrified into negative, it is possible to induce the opposite self-induction phenomenon. In this time, positive and negative energy are pulled apart from nil. The positive energy appears as an electric power, and the negative energy appears as the effect of cooling and anti-gravity. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
29.10.2000 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Harold Aspden |
Energy Science |
This website offers an insight into the science of space, energy and creation and the related technological consequences affecting our future environment. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
29.09.2000 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Robert Gansler |
Maxwell?s Dämon vitalisiert Wasser - Gedanken über den Zusammenhang von Entropie, Information, Vitalität und dem Kristallbildungsvermögen von Wasser |
Ein Dämon, den der Physiker James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) einst herauf beschworen hatte,
scheint nach langem Schlaf wieder erwacht zu sein. Offenbar bemühte Maxwell diesen Dämon, weil ihm die Beschränkung des 2. Hauptsatzes der
Thermodynamik zu eng interpretiert schien. Gemeinhin wurde und wird von Thermodynamikern dieser
Erfahrungssatz so aufgefasst, dass ohne ein Temperatur- und/oder Druckgefälle keine
Energieumwandlung möglich und also keine Arbeit verrichtet werden kann. Denn bei jeder
Umwandlung wird Energie mehr und mehr abgewertet, mit dem Ergebnis, dass immer weniger
Energie zur Verrichtung von Arbeit zur Verfügung steht. Als Maà für diese Energieabwertung wurde die
Entropie als thermodynamische ZustandsgröÃe eingeführt.
Anhand der oben ausgeführten Modellvorstellungen ist die Ursache für die Strukturveränderungen in
Wasser infolge der Behandlung mit sogenannten Vitalisierungsverfahren mit einem Entropie-Export
und der damit verbundenen Selbstorganisation des Systems Wasser erklärbar. Von Relevanz ist weniger der Energieübergang, aber
unvergleichlich mehr der Informationsübergang auf das Wasser, was freilich in Organismen eine
Energiefreisetzung zur Folge haben kann, sofern der Resonanzfall eintritt.
Um ein stofflich und informativ reines und geordnetes Wasser zu erhalten, ist es notwendig, den
Informationsgehalt des Wassers auf einige wenige Ur-Informationen zu reduzieren. Platonische-
Körper-Strukturen werden als Ur-Informationen favorisiert [4, 5, 6].
Als Auslöser für diese Umstrukturierungen des Wassers kommen einige Phänomene in Betracht, die
gemäà einem Gedankenexperiment von J. C. Maxwell unter dem Begriff des Maxwellschen Dämon in
die wissenschaftliche Literatur eingegangen sind. Dabei wird der Entropiesatz von skalaren
thermodynamischen GröÃen auf vektorielle und geometrische |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
18.05.2012 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Harald Kautz-Vella |
Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Energie-Technologie |
1. Wirbelsysteme - ein physikalischer Sonderfall
2. Beobachtungen im Experiment
3. Interpretation
4. Spezifizierung: Wirbel im Medium Wasser
5. Theoretische Konstruktion eines Wasserwirbelkraftwerks
6. Notwendige theoretische Arbeiten |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
19.12.2006 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Roberg/Scherer |
Winzige Wirbel entstehen und vergehen |
Strömungssimulationen an den Grenzen der High-Tech-Computer - Strömungsprozesse in Triebwerken oder Motoren sind äuÃerst komplex und können nur unter groÃem technischen Aufwand untersucht werden. Moderne Computersysteme geben den Forschern jetzt kurze Einblicke in die Natur turbulenter Strömungen: Auf einer Fläche von zwei mal zwei Zentimetern verfolgen sie mit, wie sich in Sekundenbruchteilen winzige Wirbel bilden, in turbulente Strukturen übergehen und sich wieder auflösen. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
01.02.2008 |
Hits: 11823, Status:
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev |
Theoretical Feasibility of Cold Fusion According to the BSM - Supergravitation Unified Theory |
Advances in the field of cold fusion and the recent success of the nickel and hydrogen exothermal
reaction, in which the energy release cannot be explained by a chemical process, need a deeper
understanding of the nuclear reactions and, more particularly, the possibility for modification of the
Coulomb barrier. The current theoretical understanding based on high temperature fusion does not
offer an explanation for the cold fusion or LENR. The treatise ?Basic Structures of Matter ?
Supergravitation Unified Theory?, based on an alternative concept of the physical vacuum, provides
an explanation from a new point of view by using derived three-dimensional structures of the atomic
nuclei. For explanation of the nuclear energy, a hypothesis of a field micro-curvature around the
superdense nucleus is suggested. Analysis of some successful cold fusion experiments resulted in
practical considerations for modification of the Coulomb barrier. The analysis also predicts the
possibility of another cold fusion reaction based on some similarity between the nuclear structures of
Ni and Cr. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
03.03.2012 |
Hits: 11824, Status:
Harald Kautz-Vella |
A physicist?s view on the Messiah-Machine of Daruish al Khoos |
By the following article the author wants to introduce plans of a major power plant that uses selfstrengthening
phenomena in vortical flow of water to generate electric energy. |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
25.07.2007 |
Hits: 11824, Status:
Philip Julian Hardcastle, Australia |
Quantum Energy Converter |
The Quenco concept shows thermionic electrons emitted from a room temperature emitter. The emitted electrons are subject to an electrostatic repulsive force resulting in the interaction with the fixed charge (shown as purple spheres). The effect is that only the most energetic electrons (hot electrons) are able to reach the upper plateau where they have lost their kinetic energy and are hence then ultra cold, here subject to the electrostatic forces they are essentially pushed into the gold collector.
It should be noted that the percentage of electrons that can make this journey can be adjusted by the charge of the purple spheres and by the geometry. Accordingly it can be seen that we can raise the potential energy accumulated at the upper gold plateau and to thus have a calculated emf (voltage) greater than the counter force existing by virtue of the contact potentials in the return circuit.
In simple terms the device suggests we can violate the Lord Kelvin interpretation of the 2nd Law.
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
15.04.2013 |
Hits: 11824, Status:
R. Buckminster Fuller |
Synergetics |
The full version of ´Synergetics 1 & 2´ by R. Buckminster Fuller |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
30.10.2000 |
Hits: 11825, Status:
Charles W. Kellum /The Galactican Group |
Electric Power Generation from Spacetime Background Potential Energy Engineering Principles for Cross-Field Device Technology Development |
The manipulation of spacetime curvature via electromagnetism can make the background electric potential energy of spacetime available as an energy source. This vast energy reservoir presents a clean, renewable, low cost resource that can eliminate oil dependency, and lead to complete energy independence.
The objectives of this white-paper are to provide an engineering framework and guidelines for the design and operation of crossfield generator (CFG) device technology.
All crossfield generator devices employ counter-rotating magnetic fields. Counter pulsing of stationary solenoid coils would cause the resulting magnetic fields to rotate. Phase-switching electric current through the coils achieves rotation of the resulting magnetic fields.
The purpose of the counter-rotating magnetic fields is to generate a region - a kind of "bubble" - where the spin-connection vector w has a non-zero divergence. The spin-connection-resonance (SCR) amplifies the electric background potential of space-time PHI; and neutralizes also the gravitational field.
At this point several methods can be used to transfer voltage from the background potential energy reservoir of spacetime to an electric load.
The flywheel version employs a dielectric material implemented as a rotating dipole whie the stationary Casimir version CFG (Crossfield Generator) device uses the Casimir Effect between Casimir plates to produce an oscillatory driving function.
There are no mechanical energy conversion hassles. The crossfield generators are scalable and practical.
In the annex of the paper you can find an electronic circuit which is suitable to start the power generation processes and to induce the resonance conditions.
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
04.02.2012 |
Hits: 11825, Status:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Schmid |
Energiewandlungsverfahren |
Skript zur Vorlesung
132 Seiten |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
14.08.2006 |
Hits: 11825, Status:
Znidarsic, F./Robertson, G.A. |
The Flow of Energy |
In this paper, the flow of energy in materials is presented as mechanical waves with a distinct velocity or speed of
transition. This speed of transition came about through the observations of cold fusion experiments, i.e., Low
Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and superconductor gravity experiments, both assumed speculative by
mainstream science. In consideration of superconductor junctions, the LENR experiments have a similar speed of
transition, which seems to imply that the reactions in the LENR experiment are discrete quantized reactions
(energy - burst vs. continuous). Here an attempt is made to quantify this new condition as it applies to electrons;
toward the progression of quantized energy flows (discrete energy burst) as a new source of clean energy and
force mechanisms (i.e, propulsion). |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
20.01.2013 |
Hits: 11825, Status:
Adolf Schneider |
Energy Extraction from the Vacuum Field |
Scientific and Popular Papers and Books - Patents - Videos - Periodics - References |
(46 Stimmen) |
eingetragen am
16.11.2009 |
Hits: 11825, Status: